Dry Rot Repair

Rotted Wood Around a Window Dry Rot Repair

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It is not uncommon for older homes to fall victim to rot, especially around unsealed areas like windows. If ignored, however, a rotten window frame could leave your home vulnerable to further damage, including mold growth, deteriorating insulation, and even crumbling framing members.

Windowsill dry rot is common. This is especially true if the home in question was poorly maintained. If the homeowner neglected to peel paint or cracks in the caulking, windowsill dry rot is inevitable. Once the wood is damaged, it is too late for a fresh coat of paint. You will need to dig deeper and remove the dry rot.

The first thing you need to do is assess the damage. You can easily locate the softwood by applying pressure to the surface of the wood with a blunt object such as a screwdriver handle. A tell-tale sign of the presence of dry rot is any area where the paint has peeled off leaving the wood exposed to the elements. You should pay close attention to these areas. If the damage is severe it’s time to contact Elite Construction for the quote and repair.

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